A Stream of Consciousness

It's 9:19 on a Monday.

Don’t you just love the time 9:19?

Symmetrical. Nostalgic. Late Night.

My alma mater would always host Christian gatherings at 9:19 for Corinthians 9:19. That verse reads, For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. Now I love Jesus, but tangential to this verse the let’s look at the word servant.

As a 24 year old working at one of the biggest, most successful firms in the world, who do I serve on this earth? My company and its shareholders. How do I do it? By giving them my time. Why do I do it? For the money. What is our most valuable resource? Time. No amount of money has ever bought a second of time. Time is money. Our greatest asset is our time. Therefore this argument caves in on itself. Let me explain further. If I have this job for money, but time is my most valuable asset, why do I really have this job? Out of fear.

Now why do I bring this up? Why even make a newsletter for these disconnected thoughts? These are great questions, ones I hope to answer in the coming months. I want this newsletter to challenge your pre-conceived notions about industry, lifestyle, finances, and life as a whole. A refinement of what we “should value.” To drive ambition, question the “truths” we hold so dear, and hopefully challenge this community to look inwards before conquering outwards. By no means do I want to lead change, instead I simply want to be a encouraging voice, to unlock your greatest potential and truly utilize your 20s to your best advantage.

Excited to embark on this journey with you all. Sign up for more and for weekly posts just like this.

A question I leave to you…. what do you value most? Do your habits reflect that?